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Karan V Grover's best birthday gift!

Karan V Grover
Karan V Grover

How many actors can claim to be so loved by their unit that they receive special treatment for their birthday? Well, Karan V Grover aka Raaj on Zee TV’s Punar Vivah got what he claims to be the “best birthday gift” this year when the entire unit put in long hours of work to ensure that the handsome actor didn’t miss his flight for the trip that he had planned to Istanbul. An elated Karan exclaims, “I was extremely touched by the gesture! Given the nature of the television industry, we tend to shoot episodes until the very last minute. However, since my co-actors and the production crew knew that I was keen to go on this trip for my birthday, they made it a point to shoot all of my scenes well in advance so that I could take those few days off without any problem to the telecast. Everyone from the director to my co-actors put in 18-20 hours a day to make sure that all of the scenes were shot in time. Thanks to them, I was able to enjoy my birthday in Istanbul! I feel blessed to have such a wonderful team to work with!” Karan certainly is a hit with his co-actors and the crew of the show. We hope that Karan had a fabulous birthday that he will remember for years to come.

- Dharmishtha Dagia