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Shekhar Suman tells team heartless to go fly a kite-literally..


This year, Shekhar Suman and his ‘Heartless’ gang decided to  Celebrate Makar Sakranti the traditional way, by inviting friends and  Family over to a kite flying and kite cutting competition on their sprawling  Terrace at their Lokhandwala home.
Shekhar Suman Says “ Makarsankranti is part of Indian tradition & culture it is a very auspicious day & since childhood I have been a part of it with my family & friends. I think it is way of connecting with people & saying that we are there for you. These occasions obviously become reasons to be close to each other.”

Adhyayan Suman added  "Makarsankranti...I think it is an amazing event today. I think my dad has flown many kites during his childhood days in Patna. Unfortunately I haven't got enough of an opportunity to fly kites...But today after years flying a kite has been a wonderful & pleasing experience. This festival is all about healthy competition between people...There is nothing evil. Thank you everyone."
Ariana  Ayam says - "It is an amazing day...a wonderful day. Today is Adhyayan's birthday, we've been celebrating & we've been going out for promotions. We've had gone to take blessings from Siddhivinayak & flying kites the whole day. It has been so much fun. It is my first year in India & we are celebrating this festival. It is a lot of fun. The whole crew...everybody's here. It has been really really good." 

-Pooja Bharkhada