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Jungle Main Mangal on Boogie Woogie

The upcoming episode of Boogie Woogie will see the contestants showcase their love for the animal kingdom by performing on ‘Jungle mein mangal’ theme. While the contestants will be dressed as various animals, the hosts too will be dressed as hunters. Mohammed Mumtaz will be seen dressed as a Dove, on the other hand Aryan will be in a Gorilla attire. Harmi will be seen as a cute Makkhi while Preetjyot will be seen dressed as a mischievous frog. Bebechana will touch everyone’s heart by peforming as a Honey Bee. Sagar’s Werewolf performance will have everyone gasping with amazement while Abhishek’s Tarzan performance will impress the judges to such an extent that it will earn him not one but two BOO rings.

So get ready to watch the ‘JUNGLI’ performances in the Jungle safari of Boogie Woogie on Saturday by 8.30pm