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Saidah Jules & Purab Kohli fall off a camel!

While shooting for Jal, Saidah Jules and Purab Kohli had a hilarious time. They were to be shot riding on camels but the camel would just go down dropping them both and this repeated a few times. The fun part was that the camels had no seat so they had to sit on it without any support and no gears on. Purab would say in her ears that they are going down and as soon as he said that, the camel dropped them. The shoot was getting delayed and everyone was amused by this behaviour of the camel. There were roars of laughter throughout the desert. But after a few initial hurdles, the shot was approved by the director. It was one of the most pivotal scenes in the movie, as it lays down ground for the climax of the movie. Jal makers have used wild camels for the shoot for the authentic treatment of the screenplay. The entire sequence was shot aesthetically and turned out well. The movie is directed by Girish Malik and the cinematography portraits the enduring beauty of Rann of Kutch. Purab had trained himself to camel riding and was very fluent in his approach. Saidah on the other hand, has had a good experience with camel rides in the past in Dubai. She was very scared as the camels were much taller than she presumed. But certainly both the actors had never experienced such a ‘Falling Ride’...

- Dharmishtha Dagia