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Mister Maker Around The World!

Discovery Kids
Discovery Kids

Discovery Kids brings an immersive learning experience for kids in its new series ‘Mister Maker Around The World’. It will showcase the making of some phenomenal art pieces out of clay, cardboards, coloured papers and even some waste materials lying at home. Travelling to all four corners of the globe from Sydney to Hong Kong, Cape Town to Rio and right across the UK, Mister Maker will be seen making some extraordinary art pieces inspired by the local cultures. He packs up his marvellous maker case to embark on a arty adventure journey. Hosted by Phil Gallagher, the programme provides kids with an interactive series that encourages them towards art and craft. The series will offer a perfect blend of animation and live action. It will demonstrate how simple it is to make a remarkable piece of art from inexpensive things. With the help of his creative ideas, doodle box, shapes and pictures, Mister Maker will show the different cultures of countries in his art. Premiering on April 1st, the show will air every Monday to Friday at 5 PM only on Discovery Kids.

- Dharmishtha Dagia