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Discovery Turbo launches The Fighters!

The Fighters!
The Fighters!

This July, Discovery Turbo introduces a new format series delving into unique competitive concepts. Go inside the boxing world as five trainers work tirelessly to revive boxing in Boston in The Fighters. In the show, legendary boxer Peter Welch enlists the help of the city’s top trainers from rival boxing gyms to revive boxing in Boston. Welch formulates a plan to revitalise the sport. Each week, the trainers will choose their top amateur fighters to represent their gyms in a bout. After seven days of intense training, the fighters will face off in the ring with their professional futures at stake. Every week, these three rounds will help decide not only their fates, but also the fate of boxing in Southie, Boston. Each episode documents the daily struggles, personal relationships and epic training sessions as the fighters prepare for the fight of their lives - where only one will overcome the odds and emerge victorious. The show premieres on July 30th, airing every Wednesday at 9 pm.

- Dharmishtha Dagia