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Professional Hazards!

Karishma Modi
Karishma Modi

Recently during the shoot of Shapath (Life OK)news came in about Karishma Modi Chandhoke Grandfather passing away . Right then Karishma was preparing for some extremely difficult stunts which needed complete concentration, as a result the unit members decided not to break the news to Karishma. It was only after the pack up she was informed of what happened. She was extremely close to her grandfather it was just a matter of minutes before she dashed off to pay her last respects

Says Karishma, "We work in an industry which stops for  nothing. I think it was a wise decision as i would have not been able to shot if they would have informed me earlier. And then the whole day would have been wasted ! It's a pitty that i was not there around, during his last moments , but then these are some of the hazards of being in television industry."