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Celebs fight for Child Rights with CRY!

 Celebs fight for Child Rights with CRY!
Celebs fight for Child Rights with CRY!

In a unique initiative, students from more than 35 colleges in Mumbai including Xaviers, Andrews, Jai Hind, Hinduja, BJCC and KJ Somaiya, along with members and volunteers of CRY participated in a superhero march to pledge their support for child rights. Hosted by the young and ambitious students of Wilson BMS the initiative aimed at raising awareness for a social cause. The march saw the participation of not only the college students who walked the mile from Wilson College to Mafatlal Building but also celebs like Nakuul Mehta, Disha Parmar and Rochelle Rao. Nakuul Mehta said, “Child Rights and its relevance in today’s world is far too important to ignore. The atrocities being committed every single day against children are terrible and there is a need for a voice. Organisations like CRY do as much as they can, but it is up to each and every one of us to also respond to this call for action. I am reassured when I see college-going kids taking an active interest in such activism and I know that if this is the mood of today’s youth, India sure does have a better future.”

- Dharmishtha Dagia