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Web Therapy - Season 3!

Web Therapy
Web Therapy

Fiona Wallice is a therapist like none other as her therapy is new and fresh - Titular Web Therapy! Fiona (Lisa Kudrow) helps people with their issues through this therapy where she finds solutions rapidly and effectively. But Season 3 brings new twists and turns. Fiona is all determined to propagate Web Therapy by treating her ex-husband who went through a sex-change, an online gambler, a couple who has never met in person, and a woman who has trouble with an office romance. But Web Therapy is now under threat with Gareth and Putsy about to get married and ready to bring it down. Will Fiona be successful in propagating and saving it? Tune in to Web Therapy Season 3 premiering 23rd of September, Monday to Friday at 10:30 pm only on Comedy Central.