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Delhi In A Day!

Prashant Nair’s Delhi In A Day’s premiere was held at PVR Juhu on 22nd August and the actors who attended the screening were Rohit Roy and Mansi Joshi Roy, Suchitra Pillai, Ira Dubey, Mahesh Thakur. While the Director, Writer and Producer of the movie Prashant Nair was seen making feel the audience at home, actress Lillete Dubey and newcomer Anjali Patil came dot on time for the screening. With stellar performances by Lillete Dubey and Anjali Patil, the audience seemed to respond well to the movie. Kulbhushan Kharbanda charmed one and all with his depiction of the lively and high-spirited Punjabi. Though there is nothing unique about the story, its direction and focus on the domestic helpers takes the movie to another level. With its insight into the nitty-gritty of the helpers and a remarkable performance by them, the movie has the right mix of actors. Needless to say, Victor Bannerjee is a class apart and Lee Williams manages to strike a chord with you because of his gentle portrayal. Intriguing music and some flat characters give the movie a realistic touch. All in all, the movie is worth the time you spend watching it. The screening was followed by starters, drinks, interviews, snug conversations and praises, of course!

- Garvita Sharma