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Anushka Sharma reveals her childhood nicknames!

Anushka Sharma poses with host Sadhil kapoor
Anushka Sharma poses with host Sadhil kapoor

After the likes of Amitabh Bachchan and Salman Khan, it was the beautiful Anushka Sharma’s turn to re-visit her childhood days on Disney Channel’s celebrity chat show ‘Captain Tiao’. It turned out to be quite an amusing affair, as the actress, who was her charming self, recalled hilarious stories about growing up, her army background and the relationship she shares with her friends and family.

One of the most interesting instances on the show occurs when Anushka reveals the various nick-names she had while growing up. The actress says, “My parents never gave me a nick-name. But for my friends I am everything from “Nushki” to “Nusheshwar”. The actress also revealed a glimpse of her mischievous childhood as she confessed that she pulls her brother’s leg a lot, even now. Don’t miss this special episode of ‘Captain Tiao’, on Sunday, December 14th, 2014 at 10.30 am only on Disney Channel

- Dharmishtha Dagia