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This is the Season to be Jolly, says Comedy Central!

Comedy Central
Comedy Central

With Christmas Bells ringing in the air, carrying forward the spirit of the holiday season, Comedy Central has donned Santa’s hat. Everyone’s favourite comedy channel has decided to participate in this holiday of giving by allowing viewers to choose their favourite show that they would like to enjoy on everyone’s favourite holiday.

As viewers snuggle in their favourite sweaters, sipping on that hot chocolate, Comedy Central has 10 shows lined up for them to choose from. The viewers can then, go on the channel’s website and vote for their favourite show. Three days before the magical festival, the channel will announce the four shows that have been voted for the most. The mentioned shows will be aired on the biggest holiday of the year from 12 noon to 8 pm. Voting lines close on 19th December What are you waiting for? Spread the cheer and watch your favourite shows with friends and family!

- Dharmishtha Dagia