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Shweta P Munshi speaks on her personal trauma!

Shweta Munshi whom we have last seen in Bandhan shares an experience when she went through personal trauma. Shweta who was married in 2012 with a hotelier separated officially last year. She says,"It was a love marriage and before that we had dated each other as well. But few things I guess are not in out control. I was too blind in love and marriage opened my eyes. I went through a very bad phase and trust me that was the time I realised who are the people who matter to me. Only true people will stand beside you in your hard times."

To overcome this personal tragedy, she also went through a Vipasana course to heal her soul and mind. "It was a 10-day course and it really helped me to come out from my past. It was a tough process. One week was ok but the last three days were tough as I was missing my family." She also adds,"Marriage was a personal suicide for me .And I take complete responsibility for the fall out, as I was so blinded that I kept ignoring the reality. I put blind trust without a check. And was willing to sacrifice even the meaningful stuff to me. Gradually the reality hit in the face. I knew you can not sacrifice being yourself , for anyone. And as said the life experiences either bring joy or they teach you something. I learned my lesson , to be cautious with trust now. I take care of my needs and happiness. And I value and appreciate the people who respect me and support with love."

Post breakup Shweta feels life is so much better now as she have set her priorities according to her wish. So will she get into a relationship in near future? "Well it depends on lot of things. I am a very cautious person now when it comes to a new relationship. If it is in my destiny that has to happen. I am single and focusing on my career."

- Jigna Shah
