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Why should I tell you if I am in a relationship - Jennifer Winget

It is good to see that TV hottie Jennifer Winget’s divorce with Karan Singh Grover( KSG) has not made her lose faith in the institution  of marriage. “Wedlock  is very beautiful provided two people understand each and other are ready to stick with one and another through thick and thin.” 

Jenny  also dismissed rumours of her link up with Sehban Azim, “ I have already posted a video  that he is a good friend, cant a guy and a girl just be friends?. We are part of the Dil Mill Gaye group.” She also did not pay much attention to news of her link up with Saraswati Chandra  co -star Gautam  Rhode.“ People will  say  what they have to, you alone know what the truth is. ” 
In hindsight she has no regrets about her marriage, “For whatever happened  has made me come out a much stronger and confident person. I am grateful to every single person who has come to  my life, gone away or  who will come and go. That is what life is all about - learning from  experiences and moving on with a smile.”
She  also has no problem of being friends  with KSG. “For I prefer to look at a person’s good qualities rather than bad, for even I have certain not so good traits! Having said that, I am not in touch with him either.” In closing we asked if she has found someone & she quipped, “Why should I tell you??”
Jennifer has returned to TV with a negative role in  Sony show Behyaad

- Anil Merani