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John Abraham unveils Joi's album!

Joi Barua, singer, musician and lead vocalist released his very first single song rock album. Joi - The rock-World beat band's album song Pitol Soku was unveiled by none other than John Abraham. It is a rock anthem composed for the documentary film Riders Of The Mist and the song is a clarion call to the bareback rider and horse to race over a pathway of light, with wings of courage and resolve to break beyond all limits. It tells them that this is an eternal race. The song mirrors our innate urge to see the other side of the horizon and to chase them endlessly. Joi adds, “Our band is simply creative and we compose crisp and clean music, it's like food to our soul. This song defines the journey of horse rider and his dream to discover an eternal race. The urge to break through monotonous routine to ride for others and to ride for thyself.”

- Dharmishtha Dagia