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Mandira Bedi at the launch of Argentum!

Mandira Bedi at the launch of Argentum
Mandira Bedi at the launch of Argentum

A woman’s dream is to own and wear jewellery that makes her feel like a million dollars; wear creations that are unique only to herself, without having to bear the cost for it! Argentum Jewels addresses the ever-changing need of today’s women by creating semi-precious couture jewelry, or travel jewelry, that looks like fine jewelry, within a conscious budget. They specialize in Travel Jewellery which is easy to maintain and helps provide a stress-free life. And to bring their precious work Argentum Jewels launches its very first store in the heart of the city, Bandra where the ever-changing needs of today’s women are addressed. The svelte and stylish Mandira Bedi was spotted at the launch of the showroom!

- Dharmishtha Dagia