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Tara Sharma at the launch of Pinkberry!

Tara Sharma at the launch of Pinkberry
Tara Sharma at the launch of Pinkberry

Pinkberry, the world’s leading yogurt retailer has expanded into India with the opening of three stores in Mumbai, Bengaluru, and Chennai on the same day. Pinkberry has joined India's booming restaurant sector as a destination for Indians to experience its high quality frozen yogurt with its signature light and refreshing taste. At the same time, Pinkberry introduces its new fresh, not frozen strained yogurt platform including fresh yogurt bowls and lassis prepared with locally relevant recipes. Pinkberry will encourage Indians to experience yogurt as a delicious, convenient snack or meal as a part of an active, healthy lifestyle. Spotted at the launch was the yummy mummy Tara Sharma.

- Dharmishtha Dagia