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Delnaaz’s Superstition!

Delnaaz Irani
Delnaaz Irani

Every person be an actor or non-actor has some or the other superstition. And Delnaaz Irani is superstitious about Sneezing. Whenever she sneezes while going out of the house, she enters back in the house, waits for few minutes and then leaves. She has developed this habit since childhood, Delnaaz says, “I am strongly superstitious about sneezing. Each time that happens I need to stop doing whatever I am doing. If I am leaving home I get back inside the house spend few moments. I feel if small things can be followed to satisfy yourself and if following them is harmless so why not. Everyone wants only good luck; no one wants anything bad to happen. Life is short and we all want positive things to happen to us so I don’t think there is anything wrong in being superstitious.”

- Dharmishtha Dagia