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From MBA to a Doctor to an Actor!

Rahul Sharma
Rahul Sharma

Rahul Sharma aka Akash of Rakesh Paswan's Ek Ghar Banunga wanted to be an MBA and went to Jaipur to enrol his name for the same but the 45 days NSD theatre workshop changed his mind. Rahul shares, "After completing my twelfth I wanted to become a doctor so I took science and later on I thought of doing MBA. But the NSD workshop changed my life and I got a fair idea how the world of acting would be. The seniors in the workshop gave us excellent training and I also became a part of the play. My mother always encouraged me to move ahead though my father was initially against my decision, he has now agreed and is proud of me. I will never forget my struggling days in Mumbai. I used to know only one friend here who helped me and then slowly, slowly I started getting contacts of agencies. So I had to start from scratch literally and it has been a long journey. I am happy that I chose to be an actor because with this profession I can play many shades of different characters."

- Dharmishtha Dagia