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Samir Kochhar's account hacked!

Samir Kochhar
Samir Kochhar

Samir Kochhar who has been travelling a lot off late due to the IPL was totally caught up with work and didn’t get time for social networking sites. He got a rude shock when he got calls from his friends saying they had been receiving weird messages from him. His Facebook account was hacked and the actor was unaware about it until these calls. He of course was unable to log in and thus couldn’t send messages to any of his friends. He later posted on his fan page that everyone should ignore any messages they have received from Samir in the last few days. He was stunned when he checked his page and is certainly upset about this incident. Many actors face this issue but Samir is glad that he hasn't faced much damage and he got to know about it soon thanks to his friends.

- Dharmishtha Dagia