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Who will be the Yuvraj of Mewar??

Bharat Ka Veer Putra- Maharana Pratap
Bharat Ka Veer Putra- Maharana Pratap

The enchanting historical tale of Bharat Ka Veer Putra- Maharana Pratap on Sony Entertainment Television has been keeping viewers hooked with some fast paced drama. It’s now time to gear up for some more interesting twists in the show. In tonight’s episode, Dheerbai will conspire against Pratap using his own son Jagmal, to keep Pratap away from the final competition. In her evil conspiracy, Dheerbai will take her son Jagmal and leave him amongst dangerous animals. Seeing Jagmal in danger, Pratap will run to his rescue and in the process will injure his leg. With a swollen leg it will be impossible for Pratap to take part in the final competition at Gurukul which will also decide Uday Singh's successor. Will Maharana Pratap be able to take part in the final competition and who will win the title of Yuvraj of Mewar??

To know that watch the Maha Episode of Bharat Ka Veer Putra- Maharana Pratap tonight at 10pm only on Sony Entertainment Television.