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Kajal Aggarwal launches Big Green Ganesha 2013!

Kajal Aggarwal recently announced the launch of the Big Green Ganesha Campaign in Hyderabad. The initiative is entering its sixth successful year of nurturing an improved environment while celebrating Ganesh Chaturti, one of India’s most popular festivals. This year’s campaign is being launched by means of a watchword ‘Ganpati Bappa Morya, Dharti Mata Morya’ in a crusade that protects planet earth while seeking the blessings of Lord Ganesha. The initiative has found support from leading celebrities including Kajal Agarwal, singers Sunita and Baba Sehgal among others who felt the need to implore people to treat our environment more thoughtfully. All celebrities donated newspapers, which will be used to make paper mache idols during the festival. Donating newspapers is a small yet significant step in the right direction to spread the message on celebrating the festival with an eco-friendly approach.

- Dharmishtha Dagia