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Shahrukh Khan shares the magic!

India’s most cherished mango drink- Frooti, announced winners of the ‘Share a Frooti with SRK’ contest. The brand invited participation from Frooti enthusiasts and SRK loyalists, asking them to creatively describe their love for both through voice messages. All they had to do was dial-in on number specified on Frooti packs or online channels and narrate short stories, mimic Shahrukh Khan’s dialogues, use Frooti’s iconic jingle tone etc alongwith describing their passion for Frooti and SRK. The winners came from across the country and the entire journey is documented through webisodes that will be uploaded on Frooti’s official channel. It will capture everything starting from the time they leave their home, to them taking a flight, reaching Mumbai and finally meeting SRK. Shahrukh Khan says, "I would like to thank everyone who participated in the Frooti contest. I really enjoyed the time I spent with the winners who expressed their love for me so sweetly. Cheers to Frooti for organizing this amazing evening, I had a great time.”

- Dharmishtha Dagia