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100 school & college students shave their heads for Ramanujan!

 school & college students shave their heads for Ramanujan
school & college students shave their heads for Ramanujan

Based on the life of the mathematical genius Srinivasa Ramanujan, the movie is a period film set in the early 1900’s. Focusing on the authenticity of the film, makers of this English-Tamil biopic required extras to shave their heads for a particular scene. Camphor Cinema managed to convince students from the Vedic School of Kumbakonam and college students to have half shaven heads with topknots. Vatsan Nadathur, producer says, “It was indeed a task to convince the local students. I explained the importance and seriousness of the film and requested the students to shave their heads.” Sushant Desai, producer adds, “To get real students from the Vedic School of Kumbakonam to act in the film was not easy. The conservative administrators of the school did not agree easily to permit the students to act in a movie. They finally agreed and we had actual students of the Vedas act as Young Ramanujan's classmates!”
Ramanujan is an Indo-British collaboration film directed by National award winning director Gnana Rajasekaran and produced by Camphor Cinema. The film is being simultaneously shot in Tamil and English and stars grandson of legendary couple Gemini Ganesan and Savitri - Abhinay Vaddi, Suhasini Maniratnam- wife of the renowned director Mani Ratnam, Kevin McGowan amongst others.

- Dharmishtha Dagia