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Gauahar suffers from health problems

Today’s episode saw Bigg Boss introduce the luxury budget task. Gauahar being the captain was excluded from the task and was asked to oversee it instead.  The situation on both the sides went out of control when Jahannumwasis and Jannatwasis went berzerk while performing the task.  Armaaan and Apurva got into a fight while on the other hand Shilpa and Tanisha got into a tiff over the task.  While she was trying to calm them down, Andy lashes out at Gauahar and accuses her of  not being fair.

Gauahar who was already having a rough day collapsed on the spot while she was talking to Kushal. Out of panic, Kushal jumped on the heaven side and rushed  to Gauahar’s side.  Jahannumwasis also crossed the barrier to take control over the situation. Gauhar received immediate medical attention and was asked to take rest. She still continued to regulate the task and perform her duties as a captain.
Looks like the pressure of the task took a toll on Gauahar’s health.