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Bhoot Ayaaa……

Bhoot Aya
Bhoot Aya

23 year old Rinku Patel leaves Mumbai and moves to her father’s house in Ahmedabad. Rinku’s mother had expired and her father had got married again. For Rinku, it was a new house, and a new environment.  Everyone in the house loved her and they wanted to make her comfortable. But soon, the new house and place turned out to be a nightmare for Rinku and her family. Rinku started behaving strangely. Rinku thereafter started falling ill, and a doctor was called to look for her. While the doctor was giving her medicines, she even attached him. Soon, Rinku’s father realised that she was being possessed and it was the spirit of his own sister Chiku who was possessing Rinku who had committed suicide by burning herself. Chiku was in love with a boy but her brother (Rinku’s father) and other family members didn’t approve of her relationship and ridiculed and beat up her boyfriend. Unbale to take the humiliation of her lover, so she committed suicide by immolating herself. Now it was clear that Rinku was indeed possessed by Chiku, and Rinku even started speaking in Chiku’s voice. Chiku accused her brother (Rinku’s father) of her death and threatened him that she would not spare Rinku and would seek revenge.
What will happen to Rinku? Will Chiku take her revenge by killing Rinku? Will Rinku become normal again? Watch the spine chilling story of 23 year old Rinku tonight.

Author:Pooja Bharkhada.