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New twists in Nandini


Lots of twist and turns are going on in Sony TV’s  Nandini to keep audience glued to the show.  Lots of drama has been stored in tonight’s episode where Nandini reaches where Rajvir was having a munch, and later Rajvir  joins Abhay on stage  where people are shouting and protesting against the government and as she dosen’t find Rajvir backstage, she comes out and immediately her father Ashok faints because of hunger. Nandini and Rajvir both rushes to him and attend him where somehow he gains consciousness and is made to drink juice but he refuses to go back.

This whole incident affects his ruling party and also Indarraj who expects  Rajvir will not be able to withstand this,and  feels his confidence shaking . Suryamman & Inderraj confront each other and an open debate takes place. But he triumphs with words and claims that the roads will be mended today itself and leaves humiliated.

Everyone breaks their fast and leave towards  home to celebrate Diwali. On one side,  grand celebrations at Raghuvanshis is seen whereas on the other side, a simple but happy celebrations at D-block, happiness doubled especially because of the mended roads. Rajvir & Nandini enjoy diwali with their families.

-Pooja Bharkhada