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Ashish dozes off between his Spa session!

Ashish Sharma and Archana
Ashish Sharma and Archana

Ashish Sharma is working tirelessly these days and his schedule is so packed that he hardly gets time to rest. Ashish agrees, “I have been working day in and day out and thus when I got a break from the shoot early, I went to a spa. The sole purpose was to relax and detach myself from the daily grind of work. Fifteen minutes into the treatment and I was already feeling relaxed. I was so tired that while enjoying my foot massage, I actually dozed off. The management of the spa knew me quite well and my gruelling schedule, so they switched off the lights and didn’t disturb me. It was a good three hours after which I woke up to nonstop calls from my worried wife Archana. As soon as I woke up, I realized it and though I was a little embarrassed, I couldn't help laughing. I thanked the staff for allowing me to sleep, paid my dues and went home for a much deserved rest.”


- Dharmishtha Dagia