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Masters of the Jungle!


Imagine being stalked by grizzly bears, living with chimps or diving with sharks. Animal Planet’s daring hosts and wildlife experts have not only made these bold passions a profession, but have dedicated their lives to save the natural world. The channel’s unique time-band Masters of the Jungle celebrates the spirit, dedication and amazing achievements of these daredevils who have who have been making an impact in studying and preserving the animal kingdom. The show will have, distinguished hosts travel around the world to investigate animal issues, explore wild habitats and understand animal behaviours in this action-packed hour. From catching pythons, coming face to face with tigers and encountering sharks, these brave hearts risk their lives for conserving and protecting their beloved animals. From legendary Steve Irwin, Nigel Marven to Jeremy Wade and Steve Backshall; their styles may differ but they all endeavour to share captivating stories from around the world, including India. Meet the experts every night at 9 pm only on Animal Planet.


- Dharmishtha Dagia