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Rasgulla competition on Boogie Woogie


Watching the kids on Boogie Woogie one would definitely want to be a kid. Judge Jaaved Jaaferi too doesn’t look left and right when it comes to having fun with the kids.

In the coming episode you will see Jaaved Jaaferi and Chirasmita having a Rasgulla competition. The story goes like this after Chirasmita’s performance, host Sargun Mehta revealed that Chirasmita’s mother doesn’t allow her to eat rasgullas. After being asked by judges she revealed that she can have as many rasgullas at one go. The judges called for a bowl and therein began a competition between Rakshit and Chirasmita.  Halfway down the competition Jaaved couldn’t control his urge and he ran away with the bowl and started eating himself.

To catch the fun tune into Boogie Woogie, this Saturday 21st December 2013 at 8:30 pm only on Sony Entertainment Television.

-Sherel Fernandes