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Sab TV actors share their Christmas Memories!

Shubhangi Atre: “Every year on Christmas I bake a cake for my daughter and even though I am shooting for Chidiya Ghar, I will still follow do it. I play Santa to my daughter and my husband plays Santa to me. I am very vocal about my wishes; I announce my wishes aloud so that I don’t miss the gifts from my Santa due to any communication gap.”

Dev Joshi: “I write a letter to Santa and keep it under my pillow along with a pair of stockings and I get all that I wish for. I know my parents are my Santa but still I like to pretend as if I don’t know who keeps the gifts for me. My favourite Christmas present till date is the life size Teddy Bear that I got last year. Baalveer’s directors birthday also falls on 25th of December so we will have a blast tomorrow.”

Rubina Dilaik: “I have never celebrated Christmas but given a choice I would just elope and pamper myself. I don’t have a Santa, so I will become my Santa and gift myself all the goodies.”

Shama Sikander: “I didn’t celebrate Christmas in a very fancy way in my childhood the way people celebrate it now. I am the Santa to my nieces and nephews and I want to make Christmas grand for them and make them experience what we did not when we were children. I’ll get a Christmas tree at my place, decorate it and get everyone gifts. I don’t have any Santa but I am a blessed soul. I have more than I had ever wished for and the people around me are my angels who make me feel special always.”