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2014 - Creative, Dreamy but Restless; so Rest Less! By Sanjay Jumani

Sanjay Jumani
Sanjay Jumani

With elections in India just around, all eyes are on 2014. What does it have in store? With the change of digits in the calendar, will the New Year bring in a change too?

2014 adds to No 7 that represents Neptune, which is co-related with No 2, Moon that’s like its twin or mirror image. Both being on the mental plane, they lend unconventionality, creativity, imagination, making a person dreamy & romantic, flip side being they cause mood swings & restlessness. Not being on the physical plane, mind can rule over matter. Hence No 2s, 7s & Cancer born are often intuitive, creative and restless. Gray, green & blue would be the best colours for 2014 followed by cream & white. Final tip, don’t be Restless; but Rest Less!

Number 1:
People born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th in any month are termed as Number 1 people,
ruled by the planet Sun. Leos are also ruled by the Sun, though indirectly. 7 {2014} is good for No 1s (1, 2, 4 and 7 make up a family). The strong and forceful attitude that you have about anything that you undertake could ensure into success this year. Persistence & consistence are the key words. Try not to be very unyielding about your decisions and do take other peoples point of view into consideration too. Your hard work and consistency will probably earn you the kind of position you had been aiming at in life. You may also get your much-deserved recognition because of your work. On the personal front, too, you will be surprised to find yourself to be more romantic and dreamy than usual, which is a good thing! With regards to health, do not push yourself to far lest you fall victim of a nervous breakdown.

Number 2:
Number 2 represents the Moon, and they are persons born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th
of any month. Cancerians are partially ruled by the Moon too. For those ruled by the Moon, this year could be favourable, as 7 and 2 are like twins, interchangeable numbers. However, the most important thing for you to do this year is not to depend on others to complete the job you started and to set out in realizing your dreams. Try to use your creative skills to better your work area rather than building castles in the air; with this much, you can also be able to break away from the monotony of life and do some interesting projects this year. In matters of health, your mind is the key to good health. Alternate therapies like yoga, meditation can avoid emotional restlessness This will aid you in doing things that you might had not been able to due to your sensitive nature. Finances can look up too which can help you increase the budget that is needed to realize your larger plans. Those looking to invest in property should focus in the same with fervour.

Number 3:

People born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th in any month are termed as Number 3 people,
ruled by the biggest planet Jupiter, which also influences Pisceans and Sagittarians. Materialistically an standard year, but not something that could call for a crisis or SOS
situation. A good year for spiritual pursuits, you can develop this side, which is important too. But for most No 3s, work too is meditation! There are other pleasures in life besides work; take a break and get together with your loved ones, not only those who live close to you, but also the dear ones who are distant. You could come across alternative ways to compensate the need for more money without spending too much of your time. Try to be less rigid with your subordinates if you plan to establish a healthy working atmosphere. Avoid people you might want to take advantage of your skills without giving you credit. With regards to health, take particular care of your lungs, throat and chest.

Number 4:
People born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st in any month are termed as Number 4 people,
ruled by the planet Uranus. Uranus {4} is linked with the Sun {1} so number 4 persons are
also indirectly influenced by the magnetic rays of the Sun. The good news is that No 7 {2014} is good for No 4s so if you play your cards well, you can expect a field year. Your unusual solutions or different ideas might earn you appreciation and recognition from individuals you might consider as your idols. The year will be good for people in the creative
field as they will be able to see their work benefiting people at large. Try to use your intellect to support people in their work without making them completely dependent on you for the end result. Romance could look up, with you finding some quality time with your partner. 2014 can be fruitful for No 4s in the look-out for a match in matrimony. Savings could be possible, it shouldn’t be a hand-to-mouth year!

Number 5:
People born on the 5h, 14th, 23rd in any month are termed as Number 5 people, ruled by
the planet Mercury, Geminis and Virgos are ruled by number 5 too. You may most probably see changes in some of your personal relationships this year. You will meet people who will provide critical insights into your abilities. Professionally, there might be some ups and downs. However, money matters will probably get better with time and your efforts will be rewarded suitably. Patience should be the key word, however. Socially, you may be around a little more than otherwise. A word of caution- you may need to work harder on the personal front with regards to relationships. And in health, though, stomach ailments due to over-anxiety are what you need to take care of. Alternate therapies and a lighter approach towards life can rescue you from such a situation; try worrying less.

Number 6:
People born on the 6th, 15th and 24th in any month are termed as Number 6 people, ruled
by the planet Venus. Venus also rules Librans and Taurus. Connecting and interacting with people that you care for and building long lasting relationships will probably be the highpoint this year. People at work will cooperate, making things easy for you to implement and complete. You will also be able to fulfil your desires and achieve the status you deserve. Singles might meet someone of their interest or people in a relation will probably tie the knot this year. But don’t allow yourself to get carried away by your sensitive nature, and try to think with your head, rather than with your heart! However, the efforts {if} made in 2013 can translate well, so no real need to be on tenterhooks. Keep a tab on your diet; that can help avoid many illnesses.

Number 7:
People born on the 7th, 16th and 25th in any month are termed as Number 7 people, ruled
by the planet Neptune, and such persons are also under the influence of the interchangeable
number 2 of Moon. Cancerians too are ruled by number 7 {and 2}. As your fate number is same as the number of the year, {2014=7} you would have an eventful year. You will be able to achieve a harmonious balance between your emotional and logical state of mind. Avoid getting into baseless arguments with people who have made up their mind against any kind of change. Projects that have been in the pipeline earlier will probably flow in your favour which could also translate into monetary gains. Spiritually, a satisfying year, and yoga, meditation and alternate therapies could give you immense gratification. Those in consultancy, or any kind of service related work could get noticed. Travel is indicated too.

Number 8:
People born on the 8th, 17th, and 26th in any month are termed as Number 8 people, ruled
by the planet Saturn. The number 8 rules Capricorns, Aquarians and Librans too. Events in your life make you feel that struggle is in an important part of your existence, but then you should remember that running in hurdles make your legs stronger, and help you brace problems with dignity. So be confident and move on with patience as you will see the
rewards of your actions sooner or a little later. Try not to get annoyed by silly mistakes that people might commit. You will feel enthusiastic due to your positive frame of mind that will enable you to settle many incomplete tasks. For many of you, on the basis of a decent 2013, you can feel the sweetness linger for a larger part of 2014. But once done, begin the sowing process again, laboriously. Not a time for short-cuts. Health-wise, be wise! Study your diet to see what suits you.

Number 9:
People born on the 9th, 18th and 27th in any month are termed as Number 9 people, ruled
by the planet Mars, and Scorpions and Arians too are ruled by Mars. You have to be careful in your investments this year; use your energy in activities such as gym, sports, yoga or meditation, a golden advice for you this year would be to avoid quarrels, litigations and lawsuits, as these would do more harm. Relationships should be dealt with utmost caution; avoid flare-ups. Try to be tolerant with slow people, especially in personal matters. Avoid being too impulsive in taking decisions as sometimes over-excitement can complicate matters. Finances could put you in a spot of bother if you go for fast-money. The approach should be long term in whatever you endeavour. The good news is, time-flies! The approach should be long term in whatever you endeavour.

Wishing all readers a very Happy New Year, let us hope the 2014 brings in a lot to cheer;
cheers, then!