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KD to solve the case of a geological student


Adaalat on Sony Entertainment Television has been coming up with many interesting stories. This weekend KD has to solve the case of a geological student whose cause of death is a snake bite. he was part of this group who had killed a snake and dug out treasure. The accused is Abha who was with them and had a fight with them as they were insulting her. She is accused of taking the treasure as well. However one by one the rest are getting killed too. So they are scared that it’s the Naagin taking revenge of the Naagin .The snake tries to attack KD too the court. What is the truth behind these deaths? How are they getting bitten by snake? is it really the Naagin taking revenge? Has Abha really stolen the treasure?

To know how KD solves this mystery une in to Adaalat on Saturday to Sunday 7.30 pm only on Sony Entertainment Television.

-Sherel Fernandes