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Adalat- Highlights!!


This weekend one more intresting story coming up in Sony TV's Adalat.  Nandita has been accused of her ex-boyfriend Deepaks murder that was staying in the same building with his present girlfriend. However she says it wasn't her it was someone who looked exactly like her. However the cc TV footage of the building shows that she was coming out with a knife with blood on it.

She denies having had this conversation. In the next court proceeding Nanditas cousin said he had encountered his doppelganger. What is happening? We also see a psychic lady who tells KD about the existence of doppelgangers. Nanditas cousin gets murdered. Who’s behind all this? Do doppelgngers exist? What will KD do now? Who will he believe?

Tune in to Adaalat on Saturday to Sunday 7.30 pm only on Sony Entertainment Television.

-Pooja Bharkhada.