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New Entry in Sahara One’s Rishton Ke Bhanwar Mein Uljhi…NIYATI

Clair Castelino
Clair Castelino

Clair Castelino walks in as the new character, Sharmila in SaharaOne’s Rishton Ke Bhanwar Mein Uljhi…NIYATI. When Sharmila walks into Niyati and her family's life, she comes as a person who has come to help Ishwar and Niyati to help improve , Maai’s health condition. She is Maai's friend's granddaughter and due to Maai desire for her to get married to Ishwar she accepts Ishwar and Niyati’s proposal to be Ishwar’s fake wife.

Although, Sharmila is not as simple as she looks to be but to Niyati, she seems to be a very simple and nice person who is helping them out. Sharmila starts revealing her real self after her marriage to Ishwar when she basks in the attention Maai bestows upon her and also understands the humongous wealth and power, Ishwar’s family possess. Sharmila enjoys all that comes her way being Ishwar's wife and starts thinking herself as his rightful wedded partner. As the story progresses it remains to be seen how Sharmila’s refusal to withdraw as Ishwar’s wife impact the relations between Niyati and Ishwar.