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Shaolin Masters on Movies Now!

Movies Now, this month is all about action, captivating moves and spell binding styles to overthrow the bad ones! The Shaolin Masters, is back to mesmerize you with a stellar line up of sixteen blockbuster hits, showcasing the best of Shaolin and kung-Fu. Get ready for a refreshing line-up of Shaolin movies like Dragon Tigergate, The Magnificent Ruffians, Return of the Sentimental Swordsmen, The Karate Kid, Enter the Dragon, IP Man 2, The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, Disciples of the 36th Chamber, Return to the 36th Chamber, Drunken Master 2, Rumble in the Bronx, Ninja Assassin, Tai Chi Zero Tai Chi Hero, The Kick, Fight the Fight. Do not miss, Shaolin Masters, every Monday- Thursday at 9 PM, only on Movies Now, the number one destination for blockbusters.

- Dharmishtha Dagia