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Kellogg’s Special K gets a new brand ambassador!

Deepika Padukone
Deepika Padukone

Kellogg’s Special K has signed on diva Deepika Padukone as its new face and brand ambassador. Kellogg’s globally has announced its association with the coveted actor in a well-timed fashion with the wedding season just around the corner. Women want to look their best while preparing for a wedding. Based on this insight, Kellogg’s Special K, along with their stunning new brand ambassador, Deepika, is presenting women with a Special K 2 Week Challenge as part of a healthy lifestyle to help them kick-start a weight management journey. Deepika Padukone says, “I couldn’t be more thrilled to be associated with Kellogg’s Special K. I personally have always been a firm believer of the importance of a combination of balanced eating with regular exercise for a healthy lifestyle. Special K stands for just that and has for a long time partnered women to kick-start their weight management journey. Through this Special K 2 week challenge, I look forward to partnering with similar women and share our experiences along the journey.”

- Dharmishtha Dagia