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Twitter's 8th birthday!

Twitter's 8th birthday
Twitter's 8th birthday

In 2006, people began to say a little something on Twitter through 140-character bursts of plain text. Eight years later, all of you have transformed Twitter into a place to discover new ideas, make real human connections and express yourself freely. So as we mark our 8th birthday, we’d like to say thank you - to you. Millions of prolific tweeters have made the Twitter platform an exciting, fun and powerful place to connect with others. But each of you had to start somewhere: Today we are taking a look at some interesting first Tweets - first Tweets that sparked a conversation, used imagery to tell a story, or revealed unfiltered self expression. You can celebrate your #FirstTweet, too. Using this Tweet tool (, you can look back to find your very first Tweet - or for that matter, anyone else’s. Just type in your @username, or that of anyone -your best pal, favourite comedian, a star or a president.

- Dharmishtha Dagia