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GR8! Moments of The ITA-2013 awards.
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BMW launched Gran Turismo!

BMW launched Gran Turismo along with the unveiling of Riyaz and Reshma Gangji’s summer line ‘Seduction’. The venue was packed with HNIs and proud owners of BMW. Seduction was sensational with the beautiful models clad in summer wedding gowns and dapper tuxedos. Jewellery from ‘Swara by Reshma Gangji’ was the highlight of the evening. Puja and Lalit Choudary received all their valued clients at the event. Kabir Bedi truly stole the show along with Riyaz Gangji as they closed the show together. The guests, Imam Siddiqui, Roop Kumar Rathod, Nishant Mahimtura and many more enjoyed the stylish evening.

- Dharmishtha Dagia