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MTV Webbed 2!

Kritika Kamra
Kritika Kamra

Digital natives, forever online, the connected generation – today’s youth is synonymous with all these terms. Be it looking for information or looking for love or building career – everything is done at the click of a button. Living your life online also means exposing personal details to people online but not all of them could be friends. Thus, it becomes essential for one to be smart while using the online medium. MTV India presents MTV Webbed 2, a show empowering the youth to navigate the digital world smartly, hosted by Kritika Kamra starting April 4th at 7 pm. MTV Webbed 2 is a 13 part series targeting 12 -24 year olds. The show recreates the situations where youngsters have been ‘Webbed’ online, capturing real life cases of cyber abuse. The objective is to empower them with information to protect them from any potential harm.

Kritika shares, “I was happy when MTV approached me to host Webbed 2. I have seen the first season and found it to be a fantastic eye opener for the ever connected youth. Internet is a vast and an unknown territory and while we think we are engaging in harmless activities while surfing the net, we don’t realize how vulnerable we can be. Through MTV Webbed 2, my aim is to help the youth make informed choices so that they understand how their actions could sometimes lead to disastrous consequences. The internet is a beautiful place if used for the right reasons – that is accessing information that could enrich you in some way, but not everyone out there is noble and it’s up to us to keep ourselves safe.”

- Dharmishtha Dagia