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Heap of emotions to build up in Colors TV's Bani- Ishq Da Kalma

Bani – Ishq Da Kalma
Bani – Ishq Da Kalma

Twists and turns continue to take place in Parmeet's life on Colors Bani – Ishq Da Kalma . Not very soon did we see him on the screen getting petrified by the plot laid by Bani to teach him a lesson. By the time he could confess his crime we will see Bani leashing out at Parmeet and accusing him that he is responsible for Manpreet's condition.

We will see Bani emotionally destroyed and not able to control her emotion since the doctor reveals that Manpreet's condition is getting worse. On the other hand Bani gets frustrated and she will decide to leave the house and just when she attempts the police barges in and we will see the entire family dumbstruck and in shock that she did not take the complaint back.

Bani goes against the family and states this time it is not about me but about all those women who suppress themselves because of their family , it is about womanhood everyone needs to be responsible and to this she is firmly supported by Kuljeet and Surjeet.

Not just when the plot gets heated it is known to the whole family that Manpreet is no more. We see Bani torn apart.

How will Parmeet react to his mother's death? Will this result into Bani's emotional break down or will she fight through the harsh circumstances?

Stay tuned to watch how a Bani stands through her decision in crisis in the upcoming episode of Bani –Ishq Da Kalma tonight at 10.30PM