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Gauhar Khan to be killed in Sony TV’s Bharat Ka Veer Putra Maharana Pratap

Gauhar Khan
Gauhar Khan

Sony Entertainment Television’s historical saga Bharat Ka Veer Putra Maharana Pratap recently witness the entry of Reema Wohra aka Gauhar Khan who was hired by Akbhar to kill Pratap. As the viewers would have seen that, despite of her attempts to assassinate Pratap she has failed miserably each time. Furious with Gauhar Khan’s failure, Akbhar has sent a message to Surtan to kill Gauhar Khan. Akbhar has conveyed it to Surtan that if Gauhar Khan doesn’t succeed this time in her mission to kill Pratap, then Gauhar Khan doesn’t deserve to be live anymore.

What will Gauhar Khan survive? Will succeeded in accomplishing her mission?