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Kalyani digs her own grave along with Sooraj’s!

Balika Vadhu
Balika Vadhu

Kalyani fires the bullet on Het Singh’s son to save Gulli from being molested by Het Singh’s son and his friends. Unfortunately, Gulli gets hit with a rock that Het Singh threw in her direction. Kalyani goes into a semiconscious state as she doesn’t believe that she has killed someone. She then goes on to pacify Gulli at the hospital. Kalyani tells Makhan to take care of Gulli and leaves. Kalyani reaches the police station and turns herself in to the cops for having killed Het Singh’s son. The inspector from the police station calls up Jagya to inform him that they have arrested Kalyani for Het Singh’s son’s murder. Het Singh’s henchman comes and informs Het Singh that the cops have arrested Kalyani. Shiv tells that he forgot to pick Amol from the mall which leaves the family in shock. Het Singh reaches the police station and demands to meet Kalyani.