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Romance between Bani – Parmeet?


Parmeet calls Bani to check if Rajji’s location has been tracked.  Parmeet promises to find Rajji and on the other hand Bani leaves the house searching for Rajji. Parmeet finds Rajji unconscious on the road and informs Bani about the same and finally she goes to Bullar house to meet Rajji.

Parmeet insists on dropping Bani  so he can spend some quality time with her and can just be with her . Both of them get into the car and driving along the long roads. Bani is trying to look away while Parmeet tries to get her one glance.

Just then the car stops mid-way. Bani gets paranoid and tells Parmeet she needs to reach Mann house before Sohum gets up. Parmeet looks for water to fix the car meanwhile Bani is all alone on the road waiting for him…middle of the road suddenly hears a roaring noise and gets scared and immediately turns and hugs Parmeet . There is a long silence between them after Bani realizes about her action .

Now since Parmeet could not find water he tells Bani they’ll take a lift and reach. Both of them start walking Bani faces an awkward moment and Parmeet wishes to himself that the roads never end.

Meanwhile a cop van stops and interrogates them. Parmeet explains the situation and introduces Bani as his wife for the first time. The cops agree to drop them  and while traveling they even ask since how long they have been together and Parmeet says it has been a year.

Stay tuned to witness a moment of love between Bani and Parmeet in Bani…Ishq Da Kalma only on COLORS at 10.30PM .