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Tech Toys 360!

Discovery Science presents the most progressive and inspiring innovations from across the globe in its all new season of Tech Toys 360. Comprehensive and far-ranging, this pioneering series will provide viewers with a unique insight into the world's coolest and unmatched products. The show will offer viewers VIP access to the most innovative technologies of the 21st century. The cutting edge series will explore the most up-to-date high-tech gadgets, distinct designs and revolutionary vehicles – from ground breaking supercars, glass pool tables, and high-speed motorcycles to a remote robot that doubles for you! Experience the latest ultra-fashionable must-haves such as the automobile that drives underwater; the first all-electric, emission free, affordable car; the music player that enables swimmers to hear tunes while underwater; the technological marvel that uses its infrared laser system to clean homes at the touch of a button; and even a water-propelled jetpack. Explore the creations and meet the innovators as they amaze you with the marvellous technologies in Tech Toys 360 premiering on June 2 at 9 pm on Discovery Science.

- Dharmishtha Dagia