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2nd Tehzeeb-e-Gango Jaman Mushaaira

On the 8th June,’14, the ‘Club Millennium’ in Juhu saw the most unique Cultural Event happening for the 2nd year in succession – the ‘Tehzeeb-e-Gango Jaman Mushaaira’. As is evident by the name, this Poetic assembly is salute to the shared, collective and inclusive Cultural heritage of Hindi & Urdu in the country.

In today’s times of factionalism and fanaticism, such a movement is the crying need of the day and in Mumbai, this mission is being served by Producer, Director, TV Promoter and Publisher of GR8! TV Mag, Shashi Ranjan and Producer, Director-Writer Rumi Jaffry through this annual Mushaaira that sees the convergence of poets from both Hindi & Urdu.

This year, it was an august assembly comprising such renowned personalities from the world of poetry like, Munavvar Rana, Rahat Indori, Kausar Siddiqui, Popular Merathi Sampat Saral, Qasim Imam.

Ramesh Sippy and wife Kiran, Shekhar Suman, Satish Kaushik, Rajeshwari Sachdev, Sangram Singh,  Payal Rohatgi and Neeraj Vohra were  present to grace the evening.

And to give still further gravitas to the occasion, there was the illustrious Gopaldas ‘Neeraj’, the doyen of Hindi poetry, who is in a league of his own.

Says Shashi Ranjan, ‘The Mushaaira is the fulfillment of a long cherished dream of mine as well as Rumi Jaffry. Coming from a litterateur’s family. I have always had a soft corner for the composite culture of Hindi/Urdu Literature, particularly in poetry and it has always left me sad to see Mumbai gradually turning to a desert in this direction. So when I found Rumi Jaffry also sharing the same view, we both decided to do our bit to promote this Culture in the city by holding an annual concerted Mushaaira of Hindi and Urdu poets. It does us proud to see that gradually it is becoming a highly-regarded and looked-forward-to-event in the Metro!’

Rumi Jaffry elaborates further on that, ‘We are attracting some of the most eminent talent in Hindi/Urdu poetry. Any literary platform that has the likes of such acclaimed worthies as Neeraj ji, Janab Munavvar Rana, Janab Rahat Indori, to name a few, is indeed a matter of pride for its organisers. And that leaves us with a sense of deep fulfillment!’

This totally one of a kind sweep of exquisite poetry left the audience enthralled!