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My home-made dabbas are popular on Happy New Year sets!

The gorgeous Amrita Raichand invited her choreographer & director friend Farah Khan on her show Mummy Ka Magic on Food Food Channel. The ladies were spotted sharing their woes on the difficulties and solutions of keeping their children's diet healthy. Farah said that it’s a task for her to make sure that the food is healthy, nutritious and should satisfy the taste buds of her three children. Farah shares on her show, “All the co-stars of my film Happy New Year eat together on the sets and my Dabba is the most awaited one because I love cooking different varieties and thus I carry a huge tiffin. When asked about her experience with Farah on the show, Amrita Raichand said, “Our kids are in the same class and she has been a humble and true loving friend since three years, her kid's tiffin’s are popular in their class too. I am super excited to have her on my show and cooking with a friend is always fun.”

- Dharmishtha Dagia