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Why is Richa Chadda Angry?

Richa Chadda
Richa Chadda

​That Bollywood is a place where everyone knows somebody is well known. Connections and networking are an important part of surviving in this industry, or else you are lost at sea.

However, name dropping is something which is thoroughly looked down upon and has caused quite a few relations to go sour. ​Richa Chadda, the latest victim of such name dropping is furious and at the same time amused that her name is being used by some. A recent press report claims that Richa is a part of a film called Kacha Love, Pakke Dost which is apparently the directorial debut of famous casting director Mukesh Chabbra.

Chabbra happens to be a good friend of the actress giving her all the more reason to be surprised at this news. Richa said reacting to the news, "It's funny actually because Mukesh is a dear friend. And if he has such a movie I'm sure he would call and ask. I have never heard about this movie and this actually isn't the first time my name is being used randomly without me being aware."

This is the price one pays for stardom, we guess.