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&pictures airs the action-horror film Anacondon Hollywood Sundays


Anaconda is a 1997 adventure-horror film, directed by Luis Llosa, starring Jennifer Lopez, Ice Cube, Jon Voight, Eric Stoltz, Owen Wilson, Kari Wuhrer and Jonathan Hyde. It centers on a film crew for National Geographic who are kidnapped by a hunter who is going after the world's largest giant anaconda in the Amazon Rainforest.

Shooting a documentary about a long-lost Indian tribe on the Amazon River, director Terri Flores (Lopez) and members of her crew, including cameraman Danny Rich (Ice Cube) and Professor Steven Cale (Stoltz), come across stranded snake hunter Paul Sarone (Voight) and help him, believing he knows how to find the legendary tribe called Shirishama that they're searching for. But Sarone acts strangely and the crew suspects something is amiss. Very soon, Sarone takes command of the boat and the crew are then forced to help him achieve his true objective; hunting down and capturing a record-breaking Green Anaconda.

Will rest of crew survive from being attacked by the Anaconda? Will Sarone be successful in capturing the giant and ferocious Anaconda?

Watch the thrilling ‘Anaconda’ on &pictures on September 7th at 12:00 Noon