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Rajdeep Sardesai joins the India Today Group as Consulting Editor

Rajdeep Sardesai
Rajdeep Sardesai

The leading media group, in keeping with the wide acclaim it has always received for the quality of thought, today added another senior member - Rajdeep Sardesai. Welcoming him to the group, India Today Group Chairman and Editor-in-Chief Aroon Purie said, “Rajdeep has been an asset to whichever team he has belonged to, including the cricketing ones. Great to have him with us. I know he will hit the ball out of the park for Team India Today."

With 1.52 million followers on Twitter, one of the largest  for any news personality, Rajdeep Sardesai says, “When not chained to the news, I watch sport, read, write, sleep and enjoy family holidays.”

During his career, Sardesai has covered and analysed all major national and international stories, and has a definitive understanding of national politics. He has contributed to several books and writes a fortnightly column that appears in seven newspapers. As a start, he will be doing a marquee show for Headlines Today and contributing to the revamp of the Channel and its alignment with digital assets of the group.